Alright, it's January 8th as I'm writing this, so we're more than a week into the New Year, but hey - better late than never! Over the past 2 weeks, I took a break from the blog and looked back at the 12 months we called 2010. I made some notes, as well as a list of belated Christmas wishes and resolutions to the music industry. But more on that in a bit...
First off, it seems that 2011 is off to an ugly start for Paramore. On January 7th, the band did a broadcast interview on MTV about two of their founding members leaving the band and responding to ex-guitarist Josh Farro's... "bitter" shall we say... blog post about th

Williams has candidly admitted that, just like Farro wrote in his blog post, the band's deal with Atlantic Records was solely under her name, (oops again...), she emphasized how she's always worked to make Paramore a real band and not just a one-woman show. As for the future, they will finish up their latest tour with replacement musicians and plan to release new music at some point in 2011.
Speaking of things getting ugly, it seems the brothers Gallagher, both formally of Oasis, (who haven't even spoken to each other since the split years ago) are feuding yet again. Noel Gallagher has a new solo album due out soon and brother Liam says Noel "stole the songs for his solo album". According to a Uncut Magazine interview, Liam says it all, "I've heard his fucking new record 'cos I fucking sung on half of it. Fucking nonsense." Wow! There's brotherly love for you! However, some music industry insiders have a few questions:
- How exactly, does Liam know that Noel stole them?
- And if Noel wrote the songs during the 2008 session of Oasis' final album "Dig Out Your Soul", how exactly do you steal your own songs?
I wrote a month or so back that Adam Yaunch of the Beastie Boys was on the mend

Ah, all this drama, rumors, etc. Reminds me of a line from a famous movie; "How can there be so many currents in such a little puddle?"
Now, since we've finished celebrating the 12 days of Christmas & hopefully still have some unbroken New Years resolutions, here's my list of gifts and wishes that I would like to pass on to the music world. I hope these artists found these "gifts" under their tree or made it part of their commitments for the New Year. My apologies in advance...
1). Lady Gaga - originality
Yes, she's popular... yes, she's everywhere. However, this artist does not have an ounce of originality. It has been noted that all her costumes ideas have been taken from other artists throughout the past 3 decades, especially Madonna. Her music contains countless rhythms, hooks, concepts, and sounds...that from other artists. Lady G - you've got the fame, the money, and the clout. Now use this leverage to actually do something that is TRULY your own.
2). Katy Perry - remembering her age & some talcum powder.
As popular as Lady Gaga except that the majority of her audience consists of 4th-9th graders. Katy dear... act your age, not your shoe size. Please mature a little bit & bring your music along for the ride. You are not the next Hanna Montana. As far as the talcum powder - with all the latex you wear, you must be running out...
3). Any friend, family member or associate of Michael Jackson - a copy of MJ's death certificate.
People please... the guy is dead. Leave him alone for once...
4). Christina Aguilera - an identity.
Christina - note to self. You are NOT Lady Gaga. For future reference, imitation sometimes is not the most sincerest form of flattery. When you tried to be something you were not, your latest album flopped and you had to cancel your tour because it bombed. Go find yourself.
5). The Who - some rehearsal time.
I love The Who. Pete Townsend is one of my favorite guitarists & biggest influences. However, when The Who played at last years Super Bowl halftime show, it became excessively apparent that they did not rehearse enough (they started a week before the gig). C'mon guys - you're better than that.
6). Courtney Love - her memory.
I know she hasn't had the easiest life over the past 15 years, however her comeback would have been better if she included one important aspect... her memory. She released a new album & went on tour using her old band's name Hole. One big problem was she forgot her former band-mates... and she needed them. She also needed to remember that she's not 25 anymore. Her voice was borderline shot or at least way out of practice. Courtney - remembering at least some of the past is a good thing.
7). Justin Bieber - an exit sign.
Justin... dude... just go away. Hang the exit sign over any door & don't come back... please.
8). To all the emo music loving teens in the malls - tissues.
OK - Fall Out Boy broke up. Cry a little, get over it. Worse things happened this year... deal.
9). Scott Weiland - rehab & sticking with it.
Maybe it was because he started drinking again. How he got out of Velvet Revolver is still a mystery to me. He should have stuck with them... at least they were very successful. As a result the Stone Temple Pilots reunion was a flop and resulted with Scott's meltdown in Houston.
10). Kesha - a reality check.
Sorry, I refuse to put a dollar sign in her name. I will admit - many people enjoy an auto-tune once in a while. However, this artist probably needs more help than anyone on this list. A HUGE reality check in fact. She honestly thinks she has talent... but she has none. She thinks she's cute... but comes across like a blithering idiot. She thinks she has a great voice... but it's unbearable. Maybe it's the ridiculous group of people around her who constantly pump her ego telling her she's so great... I don't know. But maybe Kesha can share her gift...
Here's to a prosperous (on many levels), blessed, and safe 2011!
Until nest time, keep listening and thanks!
Peace out,
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