I sent a reply along with a picture. I received another email from the same person a short while later with some interesting comments. One was they thought the station was "smaller than they imagined"as well as the infamous "Aren't you a little old to be liking and playing this genre of music?"... which, in a way, kinda surprised me.
I guess it's time for a short bio. The first question, "why I do what I do" is the easy one. I've always loved music. Even that last sentence may be a bit of an understatement. I consider music akin to breathing. I listen to music (all types of genres by the way) seven days a week, sometimes up to 18 hours a day. There's always music on in the house, at work, and in the car. My mother once told me that when I was little... and I mean really little... I used to crawl to the beat of the music. I guess one could say, music flows through my veins.
I've been involved in radio, in one form or another, since high school. I did it professionally for years. Many people still say, including friends who are still in the game, "you have a great voice and personality... why don't you do it for a living (again)." The reason is, although I love music, I can't stand much of the corporatism that exists today in radio. I feel it has literally destroyed the industry. One corporation may own dozens, if not more, radio stations. Many commercial stations, in my opinion, have become homogenized. Individuality is gone and many even sound the same. Currently, in Maine where I reside, there is one - count 'em, one - "independent" (or locally owned) commercial radio station that is not owned by a corporation. It is an AOR rock station owned by the writer Stephen King. Yes... THAT Stephen King. In that environment, actual talent - not rudeness - and music still rule.
That's one reason why I really like Internet radio. It's the freedom. No rules (ok... very few), no BS, I can feature music I really get into, there's no censorship, I have a chance to share my passion, and develop relationships with listeners and fans. With those relationships, the station is not only mine, but theirs as well. Can you say that about a commercial radio station?
In fact, this venture reminds a lot about the original premise behind punk & alternative music. Anyone can do this. No pre-set rules - just go out & do it...
As far as "being too old"... well, sorry to disappoint anyone. Yeah, I'm almost 50, but so what. Who cares! I've been listening to rock music, in earnest, for over 35 years. While I appreciate many genres (hey, you can borrow my Frank Sinatra compilation...it's next after the Seether & Sex Pistols CD's... I can see it from here), it's what I listen to & enjoy most. I've always tried to keep an open mind and ear to the ever-changing music scene. I've embraced the music with open arms. In my mind, if one cannot embrace change, especially positive change, then one is not content to grow. While I can dig "classic rock", I think I've heard "Stairway To Heaven" and "Freebird" enough times to last me the rest of my natural life. However, that does not mean we forget the past... far from it. That is, in fact, one motto I have here at 360 Degrees of Alternative... "You cannot appreciate the present until you can appreciate the past." That's why I mix 40 years worth of alternative music.
At this point, I'd like to send kudos and thanks to some "influential" people who have had a profound effect on my "influences" in regards to music.
- Scott Piehler, music aficionado & very good friend since high school.
- Ron Truesdale, the first "punk" I ever met. Introduced me to the Ramones, Sex Pistols, etc.
- Randy Richardson, 8th grade teacher, former DJ, got me started in the 1st place.
- The staff at my college radio station, as well as WBCN, WBRU, & WCYY.
- My two daughters... yeah, you can learn a lot from your kids...

I need a bigger desk. And shelves... the weight of all the CD's are bending them.
Peace out,
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